Registration for the 4th Transatlantic Dialogue is now OPEN

May 24-27, 2016 in Luxemburg, Luxemburg.

The Transatlantic Dialogue conference series on global citizens, held in Luxembourg since 2008, explore the significance of culture / liberal education for fostering global citizenship from both US and European perspectives.

The University of Luxembourg will host this international event from Wednesday, May 24th to Saturday, May 27th 2017 on Campus Esch Belval & Neumünster Abbey Luxembourg

Registration here

Please check out the Conference Homepage for any further information.


The 4th Transatlantic Dialogue provides a dynamic environment in which to pursue these aims with particular focus on the first two which lay a foundation for achieving the last three principles. Explorers, travelers, teachers and artists are all examples of “informal ambassadors” or “cultural diplomats”. All those who interact with different cultures facilitate a form of cultural exchange.

More than ever before, cultural diplomacy has a vital role to play in international relations, enabling us to appreciate and promote points of intersectionality and common bonds. Bridging differences begins with approaching others with the will to acknowledge and understand their and our own cultural identities and ‘othernesses’. Universities have a key role to play in this regard and presenters will offer multiple perspectives on how this can be achieved.