Student service organizations and departments are encouraged to join the ECStA network and apply for membership by writing an application letter to the ECStA President or Vice-Presidents (see contact information).
The European Council for Student Affairs is granting full membership to European organizations meeting the criteria of the ECStA statutes.
If you are not sure whether your organization can join, or if you require further information on member-ship conditions and procedures, please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat for further assistance.
Excerpts of Article 5 of the Statutes of the ECStA (Article 5): STATUTS ECStA octobre 2010 V2
- The association shall be made up of members and associate members. The number of members and associate members shall not be less than three (3). For the purposes of the present Articles of Association, the term “Members” shall refer only to organizations which belong to the association.
- Membership shall be open to any organization having legal personality and that:
- has its registered office in one of the member states of the European Union (EU) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).
- carries on its activities within one of the member states of the European Union or EFTA (financing of studies, student accommodation, student meals, guidance and counselling, international reception, sporting or cultural activities for the benefit of students).
- has close contact with higher education institutions and student organizations within the EU or EFTA.
- In countries where student service organizations are not completely autonomous and not fully independent from the higher education institutions which they serve and where these responsibilities are carried out by departments that are an integral part of the respective higher education institution, membership shall be open to the higher education institution itself.
- Associate membership shall be open to any other institution that does not wish to be a member or does not meet the conditions for being one but nonetheless operates in the field of the infrastructure of higher education institutions and seeks to contribute to the aims of the association.