THE WISE project has been successfully completed

October 27th, 2016 in Mailand, Italy.

WISE (Welfare for Improved Social Dimension of Education) aimed at developing an innovative multidimensional assessment framework for HEIs to better track students and understands and anticipates their needs, to define and deploy more and better “student-centred” services and solutions.

WISE developed an innovative tracking system based on a multidimensional methodology to assess and anticipate students’ needs and track students along their educational lifecycle. The WISE model will also have built-in a matrix to assess and evaluate the relevance of the support services provided to students in response to their needs.

WISE envisions a consortium of six partners (EDUCatt, Fondazione ENDISU, Catholic Univeristy of Croatia, John Paul II Catholic University, ABO Akademi University, Fondazione CRUI) and was funded with the support of the European Commission.

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