Student affairs and services in higher education: Global foundations, issues, and best practices (3rd ed).

Deutsches Studentenwerk has just published this book online

Ludeman, R. B., (Eds.). (2020). Student affairs and services in higher education: Global foundations, issues, and best practices (3rd ed). International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) in cooperation with the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW):Berlin.

The process of creating this valuable resource has involved more experts in student affairs and services than ever before: nearly 250 editors, authors and advisory panel members. The book is also made up of the writing, editing, soliciting of material and authors, and decisions on content coming from over 125 countries. This is more than double that of the Second Edition! And when you include the newer research oriented sections in the first part of the book, the Third Edition is almost three times the size of the Second Edition!

Student Affairs and Services in Higher Education: Global Foundations, Issues, and Best Practices, 3rd edition, is now ready for distribution. You will find the URL for the PDF file of the book below. Please feel free to share the book widely as it is free! The URL and PDF file will also be hosted by IASAS on its website. Here is the link: