AMOSSHE, The Student Services Organisation, is looking for contributors to lead sessions at Shaping Futures, our national conference 2018.

Shaping Futures explores future directions for Student Services in higher education: how we can enable student success by being proactive, collaborative, and far-sighted. The conference takes place between Wednesday 4 July and Friday 6 July 2018 at the Hilton Liverpool City Centre hotel in Liverpool, England.
We want your proposals for informative and stimulating workshops or presentations that will engage delegates and contribute to everyone’s understanding and professional development.
The AMOSSHE national conference is the largest annual gathering of Student Services leaders in the UK higher education sector, and the keystone of AMOSSHE’s continuing professional development offering. In 2017 nearly 280 delegates attended our national conference, representing 126 organisations. For 2018 we’re planning a similar scale event, honed to the needs and interests of Student Services professionals. Leading a workshop or presenting your work at our conference is a good way to explore new ideas, get feedback on your work, develop your professional confidence and standing, and start new discussions.
Find out all about the conference theme and call for proposals, and submit your session proposal, here: National conference 2018: call for session proposals.
Please submit your session proposals by 17:00 on Friday 16 February 2018.