The 40th traditional French-German Colloquium, which became a European Conference of Student Affairs over the last 10 years, will be held in Strasbourg, from 25th to 29th August, and will focus on « Student Life in Europe ». Organized by the French Cnous and the German DSW, it will provide a unique opportunity to gather student affairs and services providers from across Europe. In the year of European Parliamentary elections, 100 years after the beginning of World War 1 and 30 years after the fall of the Berlin wall, the subject and place of the conference are naturally turned towards the ways in which student services can support the European project of peace, cooperation and unity.
Currently, we are looking for presentations from a variety of student affairs and services fields:
How can Student Affairs and services organizations in Europe promote a European social model of higher education? How can European standards in the fields of student dining, housing, study grants, and participation in higher education impact the evolution of student services? How can student services play an essential role in building the future European universities? What will be the impact on the mobility of students with less opportunity? What would be a particularly European dimension of student affairs and services? Moreover, what should be done to strengthen the social dimension of student affairs and services in Europe?
Please use the attached form to send in your proposal by March 15, 2019.
And/or your registration to attend this event.
Call-for-presentations 2019_EN