As we face the terrible Coronavirus crisis, allow me to send a message of sympathy and encouragement to all the colleagues in charge of students.
Europe the “epicentre” of the coronavirus pandemic
Governments had to take aggressive measures to promote social distancing and reduce people’s movements to contain the spread of the virus. Universities are closed.
The Student affairs and services organizations are facing the huge task of supporting students, especially those who have stayed in university residences, and there are very many of them, far from their families, international students, who are faced with problems of access to meals, while university restaurants are closed, even though they have lost their student job, or hardly receive money from their families.
Our organizations face multiple challenges in organizing the work of their employees who must assist students in residence, while protecting them and respecting labor laws, in organizing telework for all those who can be dispensed from going out from their house.
They have or will face economic difficulties, loss of restaurant turnover, increased social spending to help even more disadvantaged students.
This is why professional exchanges and cooperation between professionals in student life can also make it possible to exchange good practices in the face of the crisis.
Do not hesitate to contact us and send us proposals which we will relay on the ECStA website: ecsta.org
Courage to all
Jean-Paul Roumegas
President of ECStA, European council of student affairs
PS : an interesting link on the French site dedicated to the students: www.etudiant.gouv.fr