How is working CNOUS-CROUS network?
An introduction to the French CROUS Student services network
Eurostudent – Intelligence Brief
What are the Obstacles to Student Mobility during the Decision and Planning Phase?
Trilingual mini Glossary for Student Services
Paris, August 2015
Berlin Declaration on the Social Dimension
Berlin 2011 (Conference Communiqué)
Padova Declaration by European Organisations in Student Affairs and Social Services
Padova, October 2nd , 2010
Memorandum to the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education
Paris 2009
Enhancing the Attractiveness and Competitiveness of European Higher Education on a Global Scale
Berlin 2007 (Conference Documentation)
For Global Competition Europe’s Higher Education Institutions Need Excellent Student Services
Berlin 2007 (Press Release)
Comparison of Student Service Organisations in Europe
Bonn 2005 (Conference Report)
Shaping the Social Dimension – a priority for the enlarged European Higher Education Area
Berlin 2005 (Joint Eurostudent/ECStA Conference Declaration)